Thursday, February 11, 2016

Terrora District 2015 Eagle Scouts

Terrora Scoutmasters must be doing something right! We've had an unusually high number of Eagle Scouts this last year.

Congratulations to the following 30 scouts who earned their Eagle during the 2015 year in Terrora District:

Griffin Matthew Boeke (601)

Charles D. Bradshaw (601)

Matthew William Davis (601)

Jacob Scott Freeman (605)

Andrew A. Hein (605)

Patrick V. Darnell (610)

Brian William Arden (613)

Hunter Lee Boyd (613)

Calab H. Gosnell (613)

Connor Joseph Mayer (613)

Dylan Ramackers (613)

Arijit Douglas Sen (613)

Ryan Tyler Thacker (613)

Triston Anthony Tilson (613)

Chandler James Greenlee (615)

Ethan Ross Ham (622)

Taylor James Johnson (622)

Collin Chang Miller (622)

Connor Chang Miller (622)

Grant McIntyre (622)

Timothy Isaac Ray (622)

Paul David Reed (624)

Steven Robert Grayson (628)

Justin Edward Coye (701)

Gabriel Neckolaishen (701)

Theodore J. Newkirk (701)

Jacob K. V. Bullard (Crew 710)

Ryan Holland (Crew 710)

Carver Lee Nicholes (Crew 710)

Dustin G. Newton (Crew 710)

Don't forget - the Council Eagle Banquet is coming up this May 9th at Weaverville United Methodist Church! All of our new Eagles and their families are encouraged to attend.